Dr.Khongsak Thiangtum, Assistant Professor Dean

The profession of veterinary plays an important role in the health of animal, human and the well-being of the world population. The Faculty of Veterinary Science of Kasetsart University is therefore a leading veterinary institution in Thailand,
Accountable for creating educated veterinarians with high ability to serve as Thai citizen and world citizens. The University is moreover a foundation of new knowledge in veterinary medicine, as well as providing academic services related to veterinarians. Thus, in order to improve the health of animal, human and the well-being of the world population, the teaching and learning management of the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Kasetsart University is categorized in bachelor's degree, graduate level and post-graduate education, emphasizing on the students and considering the accomplishment of the education either in the field of knowledge, experience and mindset, under the keenness of the faculty, building, both at Bangkhen campus and Kamphaeng Saen Campus, not to mention the agencies providing veterinary services for instance 4 teaching animal hospitals for in 4 provinces, Animal Disease Examination Units, demonstrative animal farms, etc. With these strengths of this veterinary academic service, the Faculty of Veterinary Science Kasetsart University is able to groom veterinary personnel with factual knowledge with skills and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, the faculty has been declared as the "Kaset Veterinarians are Veterinarians of the nation". In addition to the said education and services of veterinary, the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Kasetsart University is moreover a research institution which has created beneficial works for farmers, the general public, public and private sectors, benefiting the economy and society of the nation.
As a leading veterinary institution of Asian, the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Kasetsart University aims to strive and continue to create achievements, ready to accept the rapid change of the surrounding environmental factors for the benefit for the health of animal, human and the well-being of the Thai nation and the world population.