Faculty of Veterinary Science of Kasetsart University has received many awards, for instance the National Agency for Outstanding Award of the year 2014, Public Service Quality Award 2014, National Government Service Award 2012.
In year 2015, the National Outstanding Organization Award of year 2014
For Social Development in Agency category for "Animal Hospital Kasetsart University Bang Khen", an award of Outstanding National Organization awarded by the Office of the Prime Minister.
Year 2014, Public Service Quality Award of 2014 from the Office of the Public Sector Development (OCSC) in the category of Innovative Service Award for excellence in the topic of "Clinic for Herbal Treatment of Skin Diseases in Pets" for Excellent Service Innovation Award, presented by Deputy Prime Minister.
In year 2014, 8th Quality Award of Kasetsart University of the year 2014,
winning the first prize in the category of Poster Sector for the online leave request system
awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2013, The 7th Quality Award of Kasetsart University of year 2013, won the first prize in the category of Poster Sector under the Subject: Payroll and Compensation System linked to time recording via finger scanner (e-payroll).
The first prize was awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2012, National Government Service Award of the year 2012 in Outstanding Service Innovation Award category
For the work "Rubber Model Economical media for Thai education "
Outstanding Service Innovation Award
Awarded by Kasetsart University
In the year 2012, National Government Service Award of 2012 for excellent service innovation award category
For the work of "Project of reducing costs and improving efficiency in raising dairy cows in a practical way for genuine results "
Award for excellent service excellence
Awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2012, 6th Quality Award of Kasetsart University 2012, Best Practice Category / Innovation, Supporting Operations
For the work "Internal quality assessment model at department and agencies level by checking the composition"
Best Practices Award / Innovative Performance Support Award was awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2011, 5th Quality Award of Kasetsart University 2011 in category of Procedure development with the Excellent prize from the work of electronic payment systems (i-cash)
Excellent award was awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2011, 5th Quality Award of Kasetsart University 2011
Category of best practices / innovation supporting operations for Excellent award
From the information system for quality assurance and administration (FIS: Faculty Information System)
Excellent award was awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2011, Good Level Award of Sufficiency agency contest project in Kasetsart University
Good award was awarded by Kasetsart University.
In the year 2010, Public Service Quality Award 2010, Outstanding Award Service Innovation Award category
for the national and international standards in animal treatment procedures of the animal hospital of Kasetsart University
Outstanding award presented by the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC).
In the year 2010, Public Service Quality Award 2010, Outstanding Award Service Innovation Award category.
For the procedure for establishing an animal blood bank of the Animal Hospital of Kasetsart University.
Outstanding award presented by the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC).
In the year 2010, 4th Quality Award of Kasetsart University in the category of procedure development.
Outstanding award for the work of "Technology Implementation Process for Documentation and Coordination"
Excellent award presented by Kasetsart University.